Thursday, July 29, 2010

Go Redlegs!

A perk of one of my new jobs is free tickets to the Cincinnati Reds games once a month.  We recently took advantage of these (pretty awesome) free tickets.  The first 4.5 innings were fun, but midway through the 3-hour rain delay, we decided to call it a night.  Reds ending up winning, beating the Washington Nationals.


Mmm… Sugar…


Reds hitting; Nationals pitching


Mr. Redlegs sending lucky vibes


  Cute fan

IMG_5074Sweet hot dog outfit


Those guys can cover a field in like 90 seconds


Thank God they had footage of MC Hammer to entertain us


The ominous sky mid-rain-delay

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

French Park

My husband and I were actually in town this past weekend.  On Sunday, we went looking for something to do to get outside the house for a while, so we decided to check out a local park called French Park.  We brought Derby Dog along for the walk and unfortunately ran into several (unleashed) dogs along the trails.  That, combined with the 90 degree weather and high humidity made for a short, but pretty trip.  A few of the pictures from the trails:


Mr. Bunny Rabbit


Some overgrown steps on the trail


Bird in the trees


Sun through the leaves


  Thirsty and hot pup


Colorful plant

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Welcome to the Catholic Church!

My newest nephew was recently baptized at St. John the Evangelist Church in Delphos, Ohio.  He slept through most of the ceremony and didn’t even cry when he got holy water dumped on his head!  Below are some of the pictures documenting the event!


Little cutie right before the baptism started

IMG_4824 IMG_4851

During the ceremony


His baptismal candle


Father holding the newly baptized baby


My protege


The baptismal fountain with the church in the background


Here’s our church on the day of the baptism

Monday, July 19, 2010

4th of July with the Family

We went to the lake on the 4th to celebrate my mom’s birthday.  Both my sisters and their families were there, so we had a full house.  When we bought the place in 1990, it was just the five of us.  Now, we have 8 adults, 6 kids, and a dog.  My family is growing exponentially!  Below are a few of the pictures I took, mostly of the kiddos, that weekend.


A small baby pool + three energetic kids = trouble.  Immediately after this picture, there was definitely a little crying.

IMG_3813Such a little cutie!

IMG_3890 Giving a little push

IMG_3906 About to slalom for the first time!IMG_4160Relaxing by the lake

IMG_4238 Slip ‘n Slide time!

IMG_4270 Big brother holding baby brother

IMG_4299 Little swimmer

IMG_4343 Jet ski riding

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

We spent the 4th of July at my parents’ lake house in Northeast Indiana.  Saturday night, we caught some fireworks that were going off across the lake.  Here’s some of my favorites!





